Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Of "active growth" landing

Last year in July, former HP CEO Mark Hurd 100 days on HP's organizational structure was a major adjustment, to enterprise computing and services for the product technology department and sales department together to form a new department of the TSG. February 22, six months after the reorganization of HP's enterprise computing in China and Professional Services Group (TSG) released on the Enterprise market value proposition. At the same time, five-story building in Beijing, China Hewlett-Packard Hewlett-Packard, "Adaptive Enterprise" experience center for - this is HP's Asia-Pacific excluding Japan established the first center of dynamic growth experience.

"Adaptive Enterprise" Experience Center was established, it marks HP's "Dynamic Growth" strategy has spread from the concept stage to the landing stage of development? The market for enterprise customers, HP has ideas how to expand? Recently, gold feather in the newspaper publisher and vice president of Hewlett-Packard, HP China president and enterprise computing and professional services group general manager of Sun Zhenyao in-depth exchanges.

Focus on computing and IT infrastructure, both adaptive

Main points

IT technology development has gone through three stages. The first stage is "proprietary system" of the times, the second stage is the "open system" of the times, has now entered its third phase of "adaptation" of the times, in the era of adaptive capacity, adaptive capacity and performance is equally important.

Kim Yu in: half a year ago, HP organization restructuring, reorganization is the biggest adjustment you direct leadership of the TSG. Adjusted TSG Group has kind of strategic change?

Sun Zhenyao: In answer to your question, I start to talk about HP's overall development strategy. Carly as CEO in 1999, she led the company's series of reforms, mainly clear in the next 10 years, HP's business direction. Carly joined the five years, indeed for the Hewlett-Packard Development orientation is determined. April 2005, after Mark Hurd as CEO, continuing in this direction, HP has also been recognized by the board and internal experts. Combined with future IT trends, Mark Hurd raised HP's leading information technology companies do, we should focus on information infrastructure, from the most high-end servers to low-end printers, supporting horizontal enrich our products and services, we called the level of strategic blocks , which is IBM's strategy of vertical plate is completely different, we do not do application software, database and middleware products.

We believe that high-tech industry has moved from its original focus of "innovation" to the current access to the "innovation" and "large-scale production of" parallel development, and technological innovation of products, if not scale, it is difficult to be accepted. Mark Hurd, after the implementation of the strategic balance between the two, HP several consecutive quarter beat Wall Street expectations, and now they have gradually come to understand such a strategy to bring HP's competitiveness.

HP according to the concerns of orderly division of the market re-establishment of the new TSG, which is an important measure in Mark Hurd. Information infrastructure in focus under a grand strategy, TSG's mission is to help clients become the infrastructure construction and upgrading of IT experts.

TSG serve people who are business customers, we want everybody to see clearly what we want, our resources should be invested in any respect. Our value proposition put forward is to use innovative technology and comprehensive service-based, open integration of industry-leading technology, helps clients plan, build, integration, management of advanced adaptive IT infrastructure to support enterprise "Activity growth." The value proposition is reflected in six areas: flexible, innovative, standardized, open, collaborative, global capabilities. To support these value proposition, HP acquired last year from 7 to 8 software companies, do have six management software.

Kim Yu in: You are talking about from the adjustments and changes in HP, I feel that greater clarity of the HP position. Why HP establish "focused adaptive IT infrastructure and services" such as strategic positioning?

Sun Zhenyao: HP's focus on IT infrastructure to suit our customers to meet changing business needs.

We likened the three stages of IT development. The first phase, when the IT computing just came out, business is a single point of application, an application of a system, office automation is a system, the supply chain is a system of personnel management is a system. The most popular of that era is "proprietary System."

Since 1986, gradually into the idea of open systems applications. Hewlett-Packard is the first, is the first to open system concept to the applications. In the era of interoperability, software development costs itself, too, so customers want software applications must be able to move amongst the various platforms, this is the era of open systems. In this era, cost-effective to become very popular with the industry concern. However, while the open system to solve the interconnection, the liberation of the software, but no real solution to the adaptability of IT infrastructure problems.

Until three years ago, we do market research report found a problem: Many CIO business chiefs began to ask such questions - and we use such a large investment to buy such a good machine, what is return on investment? Like how can the resources to good use? HP from the start of that time, how can we allow users to effectively play its advantages in resources, concern about return on investment issues. Therefore, HP decided to enter the third phase. At this stage, our concern is not only the computing power, but also very concerned about the ability to adapt in order to bring a better return on investment.

Adaptive IT infrastructure to solve the problem is that in the past, applications and equipment must be bundled together to build a business application system, the need for CPU, storage and other related platform, and configuration has finished, there is no flexibility. If the application only need to run two, or just run two hours each time, then this device at other times to other applications, then it must be re-configured, requires manual adjustment, it will not only inflexible, but management is very complex, Therefore, many companies prefer to buy a few servers, so that each server for each different specific applications.

Adaptive IT HP that in three respects. First, Hewlett-Packard hardware to standardize. Second, all the equipment to do the real through the management software virtualization. Third, regardless of computing power management or data management, requires a comprehensive set of systems management software to schedule. Fast response and commonly used data on high-end storage, not commonly used on the low end, with the formation of virtual technology management system.

Kim Yu in: Do you think China's users of computing power and adaptability of understanding to what extent?

Sun Zhenyao: Users spend 10 dollars for the last resource, of which 9 dollars for performance, 1 dollars for adaptation; in adaptive IT era, we want them to buy 5 yuan performance, 5 dollars for adaptability. So in the next generation of computing center, the performance and adaptability are equally important.

I think that the computing power is a basic requirement, will never disappear, we will always work in this area. Now many companies have not the ability to adapt to that suit, openly, did not become an important indicator of the procurement. We will understand the needs of our customers ability to adapt after the practice through specific programs, the adaptation has become an important indicator of customer purchases. Established this year, "Adaptive Enterprise" Experience Center, is to allow customers to experience the ability to adapt to how to operate and achieve it.

Lies the implementation of the program from concept to delivery of communication

Main points

"Adaptive Enterprise" came in 2006, will be the real fruition of the year, it is a modular, standardized, all open concept.

Kim Yu in: Despite the many people "moving growth" strategy has been to understand, but after that, "Adaptive" give people a feeling of some imaginary. Visited China recently built by HP, "Dynamic Growth" Experience Center, as well as from just thinking about you, including the calculation and you said both adaptability view, we feel that HP's "Adaptive Enterprise" strategy closer to the business actual needs of customers in the floor.

Sun Zhenyao: Indeed, this year is "Adaptive Enterprise" concept floor of a very important year. Now there are two challenges for us. The first is how to allow customers to understand the adaptive capacity and computing power are equally important; Second, HP how to actual delivery of these solutions out, but not simple to stay in the market propaganda slogan. We used to talk about "Adaptive Enterprise", first from the concept to allow customers to understand, that it is being deepened to the implementation phase.

"Adaptive Enterprise" a very important core concept is an adaptive IT infrastructure that can follow changes in the business change. HP package is designed around the hardware management software architecture to a complete architecture, can do their own IT resources mobilized simultaneously with changes in the business.

In the "Adaptive Enterprise" solution projects, we have spent a year or two, to integrate all the modules together to form a mature can be ground, you can sell the program. Therefore, before on "Adaptive Enterprise" is a more important point is not yet in a systematic whole package. This year's program based on this system has been established. I would like to "Adaptive Enterprise" came in 2006, will be the real fruition of the year.

Golden Feather in: "Adaptive Enterprise" strategy and IBM's "on demand" are strategic vision for the enterprise market. IBM to sell PC business to Lenovo, the focus on the development of the enterprise market, while HP is still adhere to both consumer and enterprise markets, high low-end balance of the diversification strategy. The two most direct conflict is the enterprise market. Do you think, "Adaptive Enterprise" is in and the "demand response" in direct competition?

Sun Zhenyao: "Adaptive Enterprise" strategy and IBM's "on demand" to solve the problem is the same. But the idea of solving problems with IBM is not the same as HP, HP is full and open environment, so the hardware is modular, standardized, all open, whether the application itself, or third-party partners of cooperation can be achieved overall virtualization.

Way to increase market access to promote industry

Main points

In the "Adaptive Enterprise" program extended to the user's process, HP will be a sectoral approach to the market.

Jin Yu: from the development of enterprises, the different industries and different size companies, their growth rate may not be synchronized. For financial, telecommunications and other mature industries, may have developed to a stage adaptation, but for small and medium enterprises and other non-mature industry, it may also in its infancy. HP's new value proposition is not aimed at building more sophisticated enterprise IT made?

Sun Zhenyao: I think our value proposition to the medium-sized enterprises that may be more suitable.澶у瀷 IT businesses often rich in resources, they may consider De not all, of adaptability, but localized adaptation; medium yes will Quanmianzouxiang adaptability, mainly because Zhongxingqiye IT 鍩虹 璁炬柦 涓嶅 maturity of these medium-sized enterprises, we can From the very beginning of their IT infrastructure and management are combined to enable them to get better returns.

For small businesses, their needs are focused on products to buy, HP can continue to meet them in this area needs.

Kim Yu in: should have been mature, "Adaptive Enterprise" program extended to the users to go, we will take what way?

Sun Zhenyao: coverage in the market, HP only way to adjust is to enter the industry. We bring the market into five sections, each section is an industry, including financial services, manufacturing and distribution, government and public services, telecommunications, and emerging industries. We believe that the way this industry segment, more close to customer applications.

Moreover, the HP solution partners concerned have not changed, we call the "integrated industry-leading open technology", embodies the essence of cooperation. Based on this strategy, we partner input greater. We build iPortal web site, service partners, including technical, sales and service staff can exchange up question, the formation of community. In addition, we have specialized departments to assist the distribution of solutions partners.

Jin Yu: In the construction of adaptive IT framework, partners will get more opportunities?

Sun Zhenyao: they will find new opportunities. For example, our "dynamic growth" experience center, partners can take over their applications, our experts will help to improve. HP Adaptive IT infrastructure to the starting point, future partners more effectively reflect the application and integration capabilities.


HP's focus on three major business focus

At the end of last year's annual financial analyst meeting HP, Mark Hurd, HP's next major value proposed the "three high-growth market": enterprise data centers, high-end printing, notebook computers and other mobile products market, making fiscal year 2007 revenue growth of 4% to 6%.





Interview Notes

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褰撶劧锛屽瓩鎸?瑕佽惤瀹炶繖涓?鏂板崠鐐光?锛屼负杩欏潡浼犵粺涓氬姟鎵惧埌鈥滄柊闈掓槬鈥濆苟涓嶅鏄撱?姝e儚瀛欐尟鑰?湪涓庢湰鎶ヤ氦娴佹椂鎵?鐨勶紝杩樻湁寰堝宸ヤ綔瑕佸仛銆?br />


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